Tuesday 17 August 2010

'Healthy Eating'

Okay, so here I am shovelling in the chocolate like theres no tomorrow. So much for me 'cutting down'....

Why is it so hard to stick to eating good stuffs?! Who would seriously trade a chocolate bar or a magnum ice cream for an apple or a courgette. Certainly not me! Eurgh, and then there are those people who eat whatever they like whenever they like- my sister included- and not put on a single pound! It is completely ridiculous. I don't want to eat salads and drink water 24/7 :/

And you get these doctors on these tv progrannes ' Supersize vs Superskinny' who act like complete know-it-alls. (Okay, so they are know-it-alls but its still extremely annoying!) They're all like, you must eat rice and couscous and stick to this vegetable 'diet plan' for your entire life. Frankly, I would rather get so fat that I'd explode rather than be put on one of those diet plans!

Actually, I take that back. I don't want to explode :P "On the bright side, there's always exercise to shed the pounds". Correction. There is NOTHING bright about exercise. Just the thought of getting up for another early morning (5am) swimming session makes me want to cry! These summer hols really take it out of you. I'm getting into the cosy routine of eating junk and taking less that 100 steps a day. Come September I am going to die with all the swimming :/ May aswell milk it up now and eat Asda out of it's chocolate supplies haha

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