Wednesday 18 August 2010

Beauty Pageants

So this is controversial, but nevermind :)

Baby Beauty Pageants annoy me so much! Why would you do that to a little girl? I don't understand why parents decide its okay to cake a 5 year old in make up and make her dress up in virtually nothing and then parade around a stage in front of strangers and judges! Why would you want somebody to judge how a 5 year old looks! It's crazy! I mean, I think beauty pageants are a good way to get more confidence and to show off your talents/ looks. But then there's the disappointment if you don't win. How can parents stand to see their daughter crying her eyes out because a few judges don't think she's as good as the girl who won? The poor girls must feel humilated stood on stage if they don't win. It's just the make up thing that really bothers me! The girls should wear little/ no makeup. They don't need it! Since when do 3 year olds have bad acne?! You're just making your daughter think that she needs make-up to look pretty. Also, what if your 3 year old daughter doesn't want to be entered in a beauty pageant, but her mother forces her to do it?! I think beauty pageants should be left for teenagers and woman who choose to enter.

Sorry if this has offended anyone, but I am entitled to my opinion just as much as you are :)

Rant over :)

Tuesday 17 August 2010

'Healthy Eating'

Okay, so here I am shovelling in the chocolate like theres no tomorrow. So much for me 'cutting down'....

Why is it so hard to stick to eating good stuffs?! Who would seriously trade a chocolate bar or a magnum ice cream for an apple or a courgette. Certainly not me! Eurgh, and then there are those people who eat whatever they like whenever they like- my sister included- and not put on a single pound! It is completely ridiculous. I don't want to eat salads and drink water 24/7 :/

And you get these doctors on these tv progrannes ' Supersize vs Superskinny' who act like complete know-it-alls. (Okay, so they are know-it-alls but its still extremely annoying!) They're all like, you must eat rice and couscous and stick to this vegetable 'diet plan' for your entire life. Frankly, I would rather get so fat that I'd explode rather than be put on one of those diet plans!

Actually, I take that back. I don't want to explode :P "On the bright side, there's always exercise to shed the pounds". Correction. There is NOTHING bright about exercise. Just the thought of getting up for another early morning (5am) swimming session makes me want to cry! These summer hols really take it out of you. I'm getting into the cosy routine of eating junk and taking less that 100 steps a day. Come September I am going to die with all the swimming :/ May aswell milk it up now and eat Asda out of it's chocolate supplies haha

Er... the start :)

Hiya :)

This is my first blog, so I don't really have a clue what I'm doing :L
I like to use smilies/emoticons a lot, sorry if they annoy you!

Nothing interesting is happening atm, just waiting for my GCSE results next week. I'm actually bricking it, no joke :P So to take my mind off everything, I'm watching a programme I missed yesterday on iplayer, except the stupid computer keeps freezing every 2 mins :/

Ah well, at least I've got some Galaxy to eat :)